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reader friendly version of issue#2 partly done 2021-06-12 «
Basic evidence suggests UBI uniform basic income (succ naming). This is a simple path to understand why UBI, as education venture capital or human right to enable formation and development to each single person worldwide, is indispensable ← a paywall does block freeloaders, trolls, and stupid.
push button « article vs comment cashback processing
[£] := respektieren (engl. donate) « audit-trail this w/ fix basket currency
[#] := Schwedische Gardinen (engl. 'kind of prison') « audit-trail this w/ optional half-life currency
» there must be an option to catch up with quality information, here at least topic specific, for all (…) a trollwall as per paywall (…) a comment value as per article value (…) EV earned value vs paywall vs UBI uniform basic income
» considering quality information given eg the law may emerge as Common Consense by messaging within an topic specific group, the latter majoritarian confirmed, resulting in less party than merit
"News-Portal": Subscription-Price versus Conversation-Return per discussion input* (…) requires Common-Conventions acceptable for the issuer (…) requires transparent measurement of EV article vs comment expected value (…) 'kind of democratic comprehension.
AKTIEN-ETFS: Synthentische Immobilienpreise, Ende Papiergeld, Forkbomb Bitcoins, Goldmünzen??? danach ausgraben.
— Uwe.Hametner (@HametnerUwe) April 8, 2019
foe model shift. by owning the world economy the individual is interested to avoid any fall out, blockade, distorsion, regression and whatever could harm the global prosperity. one might think that even patent rights are of malicious nature, as for you - owning all anyway - it is just a very big overhead e.g. advancing your process flow.
old proprietarian currency "reserve gold" | new democratic currency "reserve ETF all world" consense |
foes everywhere fighting for the greatest amount of gold | friends incentive and to avoid any miss |
squat and conquer w/ patents and everyting | leverage by propagation of shareholder voting rights |
value synthetic but globally ≈≈ stable inflation | value w/o trade influx here == most sustainable, best performance |
human resources as part of the "currency" all to one and one to all, this recursively. voting per a) currency volume as b) per capita. the currency volumes are aspect of being distributed within the interest of all, while everyone is in favour being egocentric to others fortune. trending this may result in voice units based on human resources only.
if such a currency is linked to a stock basket say MSCI World All Countries, by effectively being owner and shareholder, this results again in a greater “Common Consense” described within as
anchor currency
by-state NOCK « check norwegian systemic fond issues
by-trust ROCK « check kartell and interflux issues
pulsar galaxies w/ warm and cold periods. is deflation and inflation an issue itself, or at all if. choose a virtual-exchange-rate for your distinct asset-value-score in units to size a line having the lowest quadratic-error-sum, and call it pythonic value respecting shares, infrastructure, commodities, others w/ limits say KISS reasonable value instead of dope addicted value w/ complexity breakdown to the narrative.
graph BT
r-- topic integer code -->o_communication(communication)
r-- adopt learn flexibility -->o_skills(skills)
r-- agriculture harbour materials -->o_handwerk(Handwerk)
graph LR
m---y["Phase Drift sync/diffsync"]
graph LR
m---i["Ruine sync/diffsync"]
graph BT
e(Fundamentals)-- fix stars axis/pivot -->Principles
e(Fundamentals)-- select favour -->Objectives
e(Fundamentals)-- axiom if/then -->Rudiments
graph LR
y---i["Rudiments sync/diffsync"]
Parteien == Handwerk == Bündnis (…) flat hierarchy w/ individual rate value
plane flat public organism → meta base as field of topic can float within a wider area bassinet
rem the ancient Greeks « Tonscherben == Gorillaglas
public private progress option → KISS
…‥Enfrentar la guerra de información significa poner y mantener su propio blog público, presentando la identidad y la persona real. Prevenir mentiras y desinformaciones por datos comprobables. Tu propio blog.